This page will be updated frequently with current and upcoming topics.
Date | Topics | References | Out | Due |
March 26 | Introduction, class objectives and policies |
| HW 0 | |
March 28 | Hands-on Introduction to Matlab | HW 0 | ||
April 2 |
| HW 1 | ||
April 4 |
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April 9 |
| HW 2 | HW 1 | |
April 11 |
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April 16 | Orthogonality |
| HW 2 | |
April 18 | SVD |
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April 23 | Eigenvalue problem continued; PCA | HW 3 | ||
April 25 |
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April 30 |
| Project Proposal | HW 3 | |
May 2 |
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May 7 | No class |
| Project Proposal | |
May 9 | No class |
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May 14 |
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May 16 |
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May 21 | Project presentations:
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May 23 | Project presentations:
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May 28 | Project presentations:
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May 29 | Final Project due |
| Final Project |
- Matlab, part I:
basic arithmetic; vectors and matrices; matrix arithmetic; control structures; input/output; scripts and functions.
- Linear Algebra, solving Ax=b:
row and column picture; Gaussian elimination; matrix inverse; Gauss-Jordan; LU factorization and its applications; vector spaces; geometric interpretations of nullspace, rowspace, columnspace and left nullspace of a matrix; algorithms to compute the nullspace, rowspace, columnspace and left nullspace of a matrix.
- Matlab, part II:
data structures; 1-D plotting; 2-D images; 3-D surfaces; GUI programming.
- Least-squares estimation:
applications: linear and nonlinear regression, data fitting; the calculus view: system of normal equations; the linear algebra view: geometric interpretation of least-squares fitting via projection onto the columnspace.
- Singular Value Decomposition:
orthogonal bases and matrices; geometric interpretation of SVD; applications: dimensionality reduction, rank computation; least squares-fitting via SVD: the pseudoinverse.
- Eigenvectors and eigenvalues:
discussion of special cases: projection matrix, permutation matrix, triangular matrix; characteristic equation; remarks on iterative methods for eigendecomposition; application: solving recursive matrix equations; application: Principal Component Analysis; PCA via SVD; eigenfaces for face recognition.
- One dimensional optimization:
golden section search; Newton's method.
- Multidimensional unconstrained optimization:
steepest descent, discussion of methods for line search; Newton's method; conjugate gradient (geometric interpretation, derivation for quadratic function, generalization to arbitrary function).
- Constrained optimization:
method of Lagrange multipliers.
- Linear programming:
simplex algorithm.