SA-3, due Sep 27

This short assignment should be pretty easy. It will give you a little practice in using inheritance, which you'll be using a lot in PS-3.


My bank is the Bailey Bros. Building and Loan of Bedford Falls. (Their office is near the sign that reads "You are now in Bedford Falls.") Bailey Bros. offers a special kind of savings account: an ATM savings account. It's like a savings account, except that all transactions occur via ATMs. Because Bailey Bros. is a small operation, they don't own any ATMs. So all transactions occur via what are known in the banking industry as "foreign ATMs." The owner of an ATM typically charges for each transaction, and Bailey Bros. passes the costs of some of these transactions on to the account holder.

In particular, because Bailey Bros. is always pleased to get deposits (after all, you never know when there will be a run on the bank), they waive the ATM fee for deposits. But they pass on the $1.50 charge for each ATM savings account withdrawal to the customer. They allow each ATM savings account holder two free ATM withdrawals per month, so the $1.50 per-withdrawal charge kicks in for all withdrawals starting from the third one of the month.

Your task is to create a class ATMSavingsAccount that represents a Bailey Bros. ATM savings account. It should support the following methods:

Your ATMSavingsAccount class should be a subclass of one of the classes from this lecture. I'll leave it to you to decide which class to make its direct superclass. Note that some of the above methods can be simply inherited from the superclass, and some you will have to write yourself.

Needless to say, you may not modify any of the classes BankAccount, CheckingAccount, SavingsAccount, or TimeDepositAccount.

You should also modify the AccountTest class to test your ATMSavingsAccount class. Hint: It's particularly easy to just change Harry's checking account to an ATM savings account.

Hand in

Hand in the ATMSavingsAccount and AccountTest classes, along with output from a test run, electronically on Blackboard.