Log into a machine first. In the top menu, choose "Application"-"System Tools"-"Terminal", and enter "matlab" in the black terminal window. The MATLAB graphical interface will pop out in a few seconds. (Notice
that because the MATLAB version in Lab001 comes with very few
toolboxes, many MATLAB built-in functions such as imshow(), mvnrnd() may not be available.)
Using MATLAB on your own computer (recommended)
Dartmouth College provides students free MATLAB copies, which could be found at http://caligari.dartmouth.edu/downloads/matlab/.
We recommend installing MATLAB on your own laptop using this link
because it comes together with many toolboxes. During the installation
process, please select all optional toolboxes in case you may need them
in the near future. If you cannot find the right copy for your
operating system (e.g. Linux), you may contact Susan A. Schwarz for assistance.
A remote
license server is required to run your MATLAB after installation, which
means you *HAVE TO* remain connected to the internal Dartmouth network
every time you start MATLAB.You can do so by connecting either through
on-campus wired networks sockets, through the "Dartmouth Secure" wifi
spot (click here for howtos on setting up the secure wifi), or through a VPN connection (click here for howtos on setting up VPN) if you are off campus.
Using MATLAB remotely
you don't want to install MATLAB, and Lab001 is crowded with other
students, you can still run MATLAB remotely from your computer. First
you need to pick a computer in Lab001 that you wnat to log in. Here is the list
of all computers in Lab001. Now we assume you want to log into the
computer named "Spruce", and your department account is "xxx".
For Unix/MacOSX/Linux Users
Install X Window System if you are using MacOSX. Here is how. Usually X Window System is installed for the latest MacOSX.
Linux/OSX/Unix, open a terminal or the xterm window, and type the
following. The "-Y" parameter ensures that ssh will forward the GUI
MATLAB interface to your own screen.
yourmac:~$ssh -Y xxx@spruce.cs.dartmouth.edu
...... (You will be asked to accept encryption keys and enter your department account password) ...... spruce:~$matlab
MATLAB interface will pop out on your screen in a few seconds.
For Windows Users
Install and configure Putty and Xming. Here is a tutorial on it.
Use spruce.cs.dartmouth.edu as your hostname, and your department account/password as your username and user password in Putty.